Unlocking PyTorch Power: How to Set num_workers=4 in SLURM (PyTorch)
Image by Dontaye - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking PyTorch Power: How to Set num_workers=4 in SLURM (PyTorch)

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As a PyTorch enthusiast, you know that fine-tuning your deep learning models requires meticulous attention to detail. One crucial aspect of optimizing your model’s performance is parallel processing, which is where SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) comes into play. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of SLURM and uncover the secrets of setting num_workers=4, a crucial parameter that can significantly boost your model’s training speed.

What is SLURM, and Why Do I Need It?

SLURM is an open-source cluster management and job scheduling system designed to efficiently allocate resources and manage tasks on high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. In the context of PyTorch, SLURM enables you to distribute your model’s training process across multiple GPUs, CPUs, or nodes, significantly accelerating your model’s training time.

Imagine having a powerful cluster at your disposal, with multiple GPUs waiting to be utilized. By leveraging SLURM, you can harness this processing power to train your PyTorch models in parallel, reducing training times from days to mere hours.

The Mysterious num_workers Parameter

So, what’s this num_workers parameter, and why is it so crucial? In PyTorch, num_workers controls the number of worker processes used to load data in parallel. By default, num_workers is set to 0, which means that data loading is performed in the main process.

Increasing num_workers to 4 (or any other value) allows PyTorch to create multiple worker processes that can load data in parallel, taking advantage of multi-core CPUs or multiple nodes in a cluster. This can significantly speed up data loading, making your model’s training process more efficient.

Which Parameter Should Be Set to 4?

Now that we’ve demystified the num_workers parameter, it’s time to explore how to set it to 4 in SLURM. The good news is that you don’t need to modify any PyTorch code or manually configure your cluster. Instead, you can use SLURM’s built-in features to control the number of worker processes.

The parameter you need to focus on is tasks-per-node, which specifies the number of tasks (worker processes) to run on each node in the cluster. By setting tasks-per-node=4, you’re effectively telling SLURM to create 4 worker processes per node, allowing PyTorch to take advantage of parallel data loading.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting num_workers=4 in SLURM

Now that we’ve covered the theory, let’s dive into the practical steps to set num_workers=4 in SLURM. Follow these steps to unlock the power of parallel processing:

  1. sbatch Script: Create a new file (e.g., train_model.slurm) with the following contents:

    #SBATCH --job-name=my_model
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=4
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
    #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10G
    #SBATCH --time=01:00:00
    # Activate your PyTorch environment (optional)
    source activate my_pytorch_env
    # Run your PyTorch script
    python train_my_model.py
  2. Submit your Job: Submit your job to the SLURM queue using the following command:

    sbatch train_model.slurm
  3. Monitor your Job: Track the progress of your job using the following command:

    squeue -u $USER

SLURM Parameters Explained

In the sbatch script above, we’ve used several SLURM parameters to control the job’s behavior. Let’s break them down:

Parameter Description
--job-name Specifies the name of the job.
--nodes Specifies the number of nodes to use for the job (in this case, 1 node).
--tasks-per-node Specifies the number of tasks (worker processes) to run on each node (in this case, 4 tasks).
--cpus-per-task Specifies the number of CPUs to allocate per task (in this case, 1 CPU).
--mem-per-cpu Specifies the amount of memory to allocate per CPU (in this case, 10GB).
--time Specifies the maximum time for the job to run (in this case, 1 hour).

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

When working with SLURM and PyTorch, you might encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips and best practices to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your SLURM cluster is properly configured and your PyTorch environment is activated before submitting your job.

  • Verify that your cluster has enough resources (CPUs, memory, and GPUs) to accommodate your job’s requirements.

  • Adjust the tasks-per-node parameter based on your cluster’s architecture and your model’s requirements.

  • Monitor your job’s progress regularly to catch any errors or performance issues early on.

  • Consider using srun instead of sbatch for interactive jobs or debugging purposes.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to unlock the power of parallel processing in PyTorch using SLURM. By setting num_workers=4 and harnessing the power of multiple worker processes, you can significantly speed up your model’s training time and take advantage of your cluster’s resources.

Remeber, the key to optimizing your PyTorch models lies in understanding the intricacies of SLURM and configuring your jobs to take advantage of parallel processing. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to train your models faster and more efficiently, unlocking new possibilities in the world of deep learning.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to boost your PyTorch workflow with SLURM!

How do I set num_workers=4 in SLURM (PyTorch)?

You can set num_workers=4 in SLURM (PyTorch) by specifying the `–ntasks` or `–cpus-per-task` parameter in your SLURM job script. For example, you can add the line `#SBATCH –ntasks=4` or `#SBATCH –cpus-per-task=4` to your script.

What is the difference between –ntasks and –cpus-per-task?

–ntasks specifies the number of tasks (or processes) to run in parallel, while –cpus-per-task specifies the number of CPUs (or cores) allocated to each task. In the context of PyTorch, –cpus-per-task is more relevant, as it controls the number of worker processes spawned by PyTorch’s DataLoader.

Can I set num_workers=4 directly in my PyTorch code?

No, you cannot set num_workers=4 directly in your PyTorch code when running with SLURM. The num_workers parameter is overridden by SLURM’s –cpus-per-task setting. Instead, specify the number of workers in your SLURM job script, and PyTorch will automatically use the correct number of worker processes.

What if I forget to set –cpus-per-task in my SLURM job script?

If you forget to set –cpus-per-task, SLURM will default to a single CPU per task, which means PyTorch will only use one worker process. This can significantly impact your training performance. Always specify the correct number of CPUs per task to ensure optimal performance.

Can I use environment variables to set num_workers in SLURM?

Yes, you can use environment variables to set num_workers in SLURM. You can set the `NUM_WORKERS` environment variable in your SLURM job script, and then access it in your PyTorch code using `os.environ[‘NUM_WORKERS’]`. However, this approach is less common and may require additional setup.